After that it started up smooth and had no problems but the whole process took some time. it will take a while and in my case Cubase crashed a few times during it, but i just kept re-starting cubase until it got through all the preferences. Cubase will create the “Cubase 5” folder again right where it was before and start loading in files. When you start up Cubase next it will take a while. Take this folder and copy it somewhere else, for example: your desktop, or just change the name of the folder to something like “Cubase 5 old prefs” or as suggested by steinberg “Cubase Hidden”. When you get there in the 'Steinberg' folder there will be a folder called “Cubase 5”. Notice this is NOT the same Steinberg folder you’ll find in the Programs folders. Start in your C: drive and make your way through these levels. YOUR ACCOUNT will be whatever your logon user name is so you cannot just cut and paste the above address. 'C:\Users*YOUR ACCOUNT\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg'* The direct path on your computer should be Initialising Preferences” and read the instructions. This i heard on a few forums but i wasn’t sure how to do it so here is how you do it in Windows 7: *get rid of your preferences and have cubase build new ones'
TRASH YOUR CUBASE PREFERENCES! (Initialising Preferences)